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Data Type : Administration Process
ADMINReqParams - Parameters of an administration request

#include <adminp.h>

Definition :

typedef struct {
   DWORD Flags;             /* Reserved */
   DWORD dwDeleteInNABType; /* DELETE_xxxx_IN_NAB defined above */
    char far *chGroupName;   /* if dwDeleteInNABType equals
                               DELETE_PERSON_IN_NAB a pointer to a
                               group (termination perhaps) to have
                               the name added */
   char far *chAltName;     /* if dwDeleteInNABType equals
                               DELETE_PERSON_IN_NAB a pointer to
                               the person's Alternate Name */
   char far *chFirstName;   /* for ADMINReqMoveComplete, a pointer
                               to a new first name for the
                               person */
   char far *chMiddleInitial; /* for ADMINReqMoveComplete, a
                               pointer to a new middle initial for
                               the person */
   char far *chLastName;    /* for ADMINReqMoveComplete, a pointer
                               to a new last name for the person */
   char far *chAltCommonName; /* for ADMINReqRename,
                               ADMINReqRecertify, and
                               ADMINReqMoveComplete, a pointer to a
                               new alternate common name for the
                               person */  
   char far *chAltOrgUnitName; /* for ADMINReqRename,
                               ADMINReqRecertify, and
                               ADMINReqMoveComplete, a pointer to a
                               new alternate org unit for the
                               person */  
   char far *chAltLanguage; /* for ADMINReqRename,
                               ADMINReqRecertify, and
                               ADMINReqMoveComplete, a pointer to a
                               new alternate language for the
                               person */ 
   BOOL fDontUseV1ChangeRequest; /* for ADMINReqMoveUserInHier,
                               TRUE indicates that support for a
                               simultaneous hierarchy move and name
                               change.  Recognized only by v5.02
                               and above clients and servers */

/* 5.x structure ended here.  The following fields were added for Rnext */

    DBHANDLE dbhDirectory; /* for ADMINReqDeleteInNAB, a handle to 
           the directory from which the Person, 
           Server, or Group is to be deleted if 
           the target directory is not names.nsf */

} ADMINReqParams;

Description :

This structure contains the parameters of an administration request. When setting this structure, first initialize the values of structure members to 0.

See Also : ADMINReqChkAccessMoveReplica ADMINReqChkAccessNewReplica ADMINReqDeleteInACL ADMINReqDeleteInNAB ADMINReqMoveComplete ADMINReqMoveUserInHier ADMINReqRecertify ADMINReqRename ADMINReqUpgradeToHier