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NLS string bytes

Function : Character Manipulation
NLS_string_bytes - Returns the number of bytes in a string.

#include <nls.h>

    const BYTE far *pString,
    WORD  NumChars,
    WORD far *pNumBytes,
    NLS_PINFO  pInfo);
Description :

Returns the number of bytes in a string. If a multibyte character set is in use, the number of bytes in a string will likely be larger than the number of characters in a string.

Parameters : Input : pString - A pointer to a string in which the bytes are to be counted.

NumChars - The number of characters in a string. If the string is null-terminated, specifying NLS_NULLTERM for this argument will make the function work more efficiently. Note: if you pass in NLS_NULLTERM for this argument, the function returns a byte count that includes the NULL terminator.

pNumBytes - A pointer to a WORD to receive the byte count.

pInfo - A pointer to an NLS_INFO struct, which contains all of the tables and attributes of the current character set. The NLS_INFO struct should have been initialized by a previous call to OSGetLMBCSCLS().

Output : (routine) - NLS_SUCCESS - the operation completed successfully.

pNumBytes - A pointer to a WORD containing the number of bytes in the string.