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Function : Statistics Reporting
StatToText - Converts a statistic value to text.

#include <stats.h>
void LNPUBLIC StatToText(

    char far *Facility,
    char far *StatName,
    WORD  ValueType,
    void far *Value,
    char far *NameBuffer,
    WORD  NameBufferLen,
    char far *ValueBuffer,
    WORD  ValueBufferLen);
Description :

This function converts a statistic value to text.

Parameters : Input : Facility - Name of facility. See Symbolic Value, STATPKG_xxx for a list of existing Domino facilities.

StatName - Name of statistic.

ValueType - Value type of the statistic: See VT_xxx.

Value - Value of the statistic.

NameBufferLen - Length of the NameBuffer.

ValueBufferLen - Length of the ValueBuffer.

Output : (routine) - None

NameBuffer - Pointer to a buffer that will receive a composite of the facility and statistic name as a NULL terminated string.

ValueBuffer - Pointer to a buffer that will receive the value of the statistic as a NULL terminated string.

Sample Usage :

   StatToText(Facility, StatName, ValueType, Value,
            NameBuffer, sizeof(NameBuffer)-1,
            ValueBuffer, sizeof(ValueBuffer)-1);

   sprintf(OutBuffer, "  %s = %s\n", NameBuffer, ValueBuffer);
See Also : STATPKG_xxx StatTraverse VT_xxx