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Function : Formula
NSFTranslateSpecial - Translate @Function Escape Sequences

#include <nsfdata.h>

    void far *InputString,
    WORD  InputStringLength,
    void far *OutputString,
    WORD  OutputStringBufferLength,
    NOTEID  NoteID,
    void far *IndexPosition,
    INDEXSPECIALINFO far *IndexInfo,
    DHANDLE  hUnreadList,
    DHANDLE  hCollapsedList,
    char far *FileTitle,
    char far *ViewTitle,
    WORD far *retLength);
Description :

Some @Functions cannot be translated when the formula is evaluated. Instead, the value must be obtained when the result is to be displayed or used. These functions place a special escape sequence in the result string where the actual values is to be placed. The routine NSFTranslateSpecial() substitutes the actual values for the escape sequence.

@Functions which generate these escape sequences are:


Parameters : Input : InputString - Address of the input string to be translated.

InputStringLength - Length of the input string.

OutputStringBufferLength - Size of the output string buffer.

NoteID - ID of the note being translated.

IndexPosition - Address of a COLLECTIONPOSITION containing the index position.

IndexInfo - Address of an INDEXSPECIALINFO containing miscellaneous index information.

hUnreadList - Handle of the "Unread" note ID list.

hCollapsedList - Handle of the "Collapsed" note ID list.

FileTitle - Address of the null-terminated notefile title string.

ViewTitle - Address of the null-terminated view title string.

Output : (routine) - Return status from this call -- indicates either sucess or what the error is. The return codes include:

NOERROR - Operation succeeded.

OutputString - Address of the output string buffer.

retLength - Length of the output string