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Schedule ExtractSchedList

Function : Calendaring and Scheduling
Schedule_ExtractSchedList - Extract a schedule list.

#include <schedule.h>
STATUS LNPUBLIC Schedule_ExtractSchedList(

    HCNTNR  hCntnr,
    HCNTNROBJ  hSchedObj,
    TIMEDATE_PAIR FAR *pInterval,
    DWORD FAR *retdwSize,
    DHANDLE FAR *rethSchedList,
    HCNTNROBJ FAR *rethMore);
Description :

This retrieves a schedule list from a schedule and returns a handle to the memory where the schedule list has been placed.

Parameters : Input : hCntnr - The handle to the container of the schedule.

hSchedObj - The HCNTNROBJ of the schedule object.

Output : (routine) - NOERROR - Successfully extracted a schedule list. ERR_xxx - There are many possible errors. It is best to use the code in a call to OSLoadString and display/log the error for the user as your default error handling.

pInterval - Points to where the overall interval of the schedul is returned.

retdwSize - Where the size of the range is returned.

rethSchedList - Points to where we return a handle to the schedule list associated with this schedule. Callers must free this when they're done.

rethMore - If not NULLCNTNROBJ then this is the handle to more busytime information. This handle is passed to Schedule_ExtractMoreSchedList.

See Also : Schedule_ExtractMoreSchedList