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Data Type : Agents
CDACTIONJAVAAGENT - Java agent action CD record.

#include <queryods.h>

Definition :

typedef struct {
   WSIG  Header;
   WORD  wClassNameLen;  /* Agent name length */
   WORD  wCodePathLen;
   WORD  wFileListBytes;
   WORD  wLibraryListBytes;
   WORD  wSpare[1];
   DWORD dwSpare[1];
/* Strings follow */

Description :

A CDACTIONJAVAAGENT record is stored in fields of type TYPE_ACTION, usually the action field of an Agent. This record identifies the Java class files that will be executed when the agent is run. The fields in this structure are:

    Header Defines this composite data item as a CDACTIONJAVAAGENT item.
    wClassNameLen Length of the Java class name (the class to be invoked).
    wCodePathLen Length of the Java code pathname.
    wFileListBytes Length of the Java class file list.
    wLibraryListBytes Length of the shared Java Library list.

    This structure is followed by the three strings, stored asLMBCS strings with no NULL delimiter. The Java class files are stored as $FILE items in the document; the Java class file name is the file name of the $FILE item.