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Function : Extension Manager
NSFAddToFolderEMCallback - Extension Manager callback for EM_NSFADDTOFOLDER

#include <extmgr.h>

    DBHANDLE  hViewDB,
    DBHANDLE  hDataDB,
    NOTEID  FolderNoteID,
    NOTEID  NoteID,
    UNID *NoteUNID,
    BOOL  IsAddOperation,
    TIMEDATE *RevisionTime);
Description :

EM_NSFADDTOFOLDER is called when a note is being added or removed from a folder. The IsAddOperation flag should be checked to determine if this note is being added or removed from the folder.

This notification is useful in the implementation of Unified Messaging functionality in the Domino and Notes environment. See the Chapter on Unified Messaging Solutions in the User Guide for more information.

Note: You must not call NSFFolderGetIDTable in this routine with the same Folder ID. When this notification is trapped, the database semaphore is locked. NSFFolderGetIDTable cannot acquire the database semaphore. Attempting to call NSFFolderGetIDTable will result in a deadlock.

Parameters : Input : hViewDB - Handle of database containing folder

hDataDB - Handle of database containing notes being added to folder

FolderNoteID - NoteID of the folder note

NoteID - NoteID of the note being added to (removed from) the folder

NoteUNID - UNID of the note being added to (removed from) the folder

IsAddOperation - TRUE if note being added to the folder, FALSE if note being removed

RevisionTime - Time of original folder addition (OPTIONAL - may be NULL)

Output : (routine) - ERR_EM_CONTINUE

See Also : EM_xxx NSFMarkReadEMCallback