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Function : Folders
FolderMove - Moves a folder under another folder.

#include <foldman.h>

    DBHANDLE  hDataDB,
    DBHANDLE  hFolderDB,
    NOTEID  FolderNoteID,
    DBHANDLE  hParentDB,
    NOTEID  ParentNoteID,
    DWORD  dwFlags);
Description :

This function moves the specified folder under a given parent folder. If the parent folder is a shared folder, then the child folder must be a shared folder. If the parent folder is a private folder, then the child folder must be a private folder.

Parameters : Input : hDataDB - The handle to the open database where the folder to be moved resides.

hFolderDB - Must be NULLHANDLE.

FolderNoteID - NOTEID of folder to be moved.

hParentDB - Must be NULLHANDLE. The parent database will be the same as the child database.

ParentNoteID - NOTEID of the parent folder.

dwFlags - Reserved for future use. Specify 0L.

Output : (routine) - Return status of the call - indicates either success or what the error is. The return codes include:


ERR_xxx - Error returned by lower level functions. Call OSLoadString to interpret the code.

See Also : FolderCopy FolderCreate FolderDelete FolderDocAdd FolderDocCount FolderDocRemove FolderDocRemoveAll FolderRename