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Function : Profile Document
NSFProfileDelete - Delete a profile document.

#include <nsfnote.h>

    const char *ProfileName,
    WORD  ProfileNameLength,
    const char *UserName,
    WORD  UserNameLength);
Description :

Delete a profile document from the database.

Parameters : Input : hDB - Handle to the database where the profile document exists.

ProfileName - Name of the profile.

ProfileNameLength - Length of the profile name.

UserName - Name of the user of this profile. Optional - may be NULL. Note: For each profile document created, the UserName is contained in a TYPE_TEXT field named $Name. This $Name field is represented as "prefix_nnnprofilename_username" where: prefix = the type of document nnn = 3 digit character representation of the length of the profile name profilename = the name of the profile document username = the UserName of the profile An example of this field from a "Calendar Profile" document created from the Notes client would be, $profile_015calendarprofile_. Here the UserName is blank since this profile was created with the Notes client. Therefore to retrieve this profile, use NULL for UserName. Another example of a profile document where UserName may be blank is the "Delegation Profile". This profile is also created using the Notes client.

UserNameLength - Length of the user name. Optional - may be zero

Output : (routine) - NOERROR - Successfully deleted the profile document. ERR_xxx - Use OSLoadString to display the error returned.

Sample Usage :

char UserName[]="John Doe";

/* Open the database. */

if (error = NSFDbOpen (path_name, &db_handle))
 print_api_error (error);

/* Delete the "CalendarProfile" for John Doe from this database */

if( error = NSFProfileDelete( db_handle, MAIL_CALENDAR_PROFILE_FORM,
        (WORD) strlen(MAIL_CALENDAR_PROFILE_FORM), UserName, 
 print_api_error (error);
    NSFDbClose( db_handle );
See Also : NSFProfileOpen NSFProfileUpdate