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Symbolic Value : Constants

#include <editods.h>

Symbolic Values :

EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_USE_COLORS1    -  If flag is set, color values for BusyTimeColor, FreeTimeColor, NoData Color, DataRestrictedColor and GridLineColor contain valid information. Default color values are used if this flag is not set.

EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_NO_INITFROMITEMS   -  If flag is set, scheduler info (participants, appointment start/end time, etc.) is not initialized from item values on the note.

EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_NO_REFRESHFROMITEMS    -  If flag is set, scheduler info is not refreshed from item values on the note when document is recalculated.

EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_ALLOW_FILTERING    -  If flag is set, allow filtering.

EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_USE_COLORS2    -  Reserved for future use.

EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_NO_SHOWLEGEND      -  If flag is set, color legend is not shown.

EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_SHOWINTERVALINDICATOR      -  If flag is set, appointment interval indicator is shown.

EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_SHOW_TWISTIES      -  If flag is set, twisties are shown.

EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_ALLOW_EDIT_INPLACE     -  If flag is set, scheduler can be edited in place.

EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_ATTENDEE_WIDTH_DEFINED     -  If flag is set, overall width of the scheduler is defined.

EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_ATTENDEE_WIDTH_FIXED   -  If flag is set, width of the left side of the control where attendee names are displayed is fixed.

EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_PEOPLE_INVISIBLE   -  If flag is set, "people" (or "top") area is not visible in the scheduler.

EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_ROOMS_VISIBLE      -  If flag is set, "rooms" (or "middle") area is visible in the scheduler.

EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_RESOURCES_VISIBLE      -  If flag is set, "resources" (or "bottom") area is visible in the scheduler.

EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_PEOPLE_FIXEDHEIGHT     -  If flag is set, "people" (or "top") area is a fixed height in the scheduler.

EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_ROOMS_FIXEDHEIGHT      -  If flag is set, "rooms" (or "middle") area is a fixed height in the scheduler.

EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_RESOURCES_FIXEDHEIGHT      -  If flag is set, "resources" (or "bottom") area is a fixed height in the scheduler.

EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_ATTENDEE_LINES_DEFINED     -  If flag is set, PeopleLines, RoomsLines and ResourcesLines values in CDEMBEDDEDSCHEDCTL contain valid data.

EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_RTL_READING    -  If flag is set, display schedule from right to left.

EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_NO_LAUNCH      -  If flag is set, don't launch scheduler.

Description :