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Data Type : Billing
HTTPREQREC - Http Request Record

#include <billing.h>

Definition :

typedef struct {
   DWORD HttpContentLength;     /* Content Length send/received
                                   to/from client */
   DWORD HttpReqTimeMs;         /* Number of milliseconds to
                                   process request */
   DWORD HttpStatusCode;        /* Status code returned by the
                                   server */
   WORD  HttpTimeStampOffset;   /* Offset to http time stamp in a
                                   string format */
   WORD  HttpAuthUserOffset;    /* Offset to Authenticated User
                                   string */
   WORD  HttpPartnerOffset;     /* Offset to remote machine name
                                   string */
   WORD  HttpRefererOffset;     /* Offset to refering URL string */
   WORD  HttpServerAddrOffset;  /* Offset to connection IP address */
   WORD  HttpUserAgentOffset;   /* Offset to user agent string */
   WORD  HttpRequestLineOffset; /* Offset to Request line string */
   WORD  HttpContentTypeOffset; /* Offset to content type string */
/* Time Stamp, AuthUser, Partner and other strings follow */

Description :

To create Http Request billing records you must include the HttpRequest keyword in the notes.ini BillingClass variable on the billing server. This enables the server to write http request-related information to the billing message queue which can then be read to the HTTPREQREC structure by the billing server task.

    For more information about billing for Domino agents, see Domino 5 Administration Help.

    Structure Description

    HttpContentLength -- Length of string representing content sent to/received from client

    HttpReqTimeMS -- Number fo milliseconds to process request

    HttpStatusCode -- Status code returned by the server

    HttpTimeStampOffset -- Offset to http timestamp string

    HttpAuthUserOffset -- Offset to Authenticated user string

    HttpPartnerOffset -- Offset to remote machine name string

    HttpRefererOffset -- Offset to refering URL string

    HttpServerAddrOffset -- Offset to connection IP address string

    HttpUserAgentOffset -- Offset to user agent string

    HttpRequestLineOffset -- Offset to Request line string

    HttpContentTypeOffset -- Offset to content type string

    Note: All offset members are relative to the beginning of the record (&HttpContentLength), if an offset member is set to 0 the member is not available.