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New Features in HCL C API Toolkit for Notes Domino 12.0.2

Chapter 1-2
New Features in HCL C API Toolkit for Notes/Domino 12.0.2

This section lists the new and changed features in the HCL C API Toolkit for Notes/Domino 12.0.2. See the What's New view in the HCL C API Reference for details.

NSF Database Functions

Some new and changed functions of database have been added tonsfmime.h ,nsfsear.h

  • NSFIsFileItemMimePart Searches all TYPE_MIME_PART items on the note to see if the given $File item contains MIME part data. If $File item has MIME part then it returns TRUE, FALSE otherwise.
  • NSFIsMimePartInFile Checks to see if the given MIME part's content is in a file in the given note handle. It checks that the given MIME part is stored in the file content, and when it is true it returns the file name of the MIME part's content.
  • NSFSearchExt2 Uses an associated timer to control the duration of the database search operation.

Operating System Functions

A new function of OS has been added toosfile.h

  • OSPathAddTrailingPathSeparator Adds a trailing path separator, if the last character in the path is not a separator.

Notes Index Facility Functions

Some new functions of NIF have been added tonif.h.

  • NIFIsUpdateInProgress Can be called by callers who want to find out if the collection is being updated and don't want to perform the update themselves.
  • NIFGetCollectionViewNoteIDAndDB This routine defines if the given user structure is valid. It then validates and dereferences the handle, returning a specific error if it is an invalid or null handle.
  • NIFFindByKeyExtended4 Identical to NIFFindByKeyExtended3 with the addition of an associated timer for search operation (avoids hanging the collection).


Some new and changed functions of id table have been added toidtable.h.

  • IDTableReplaceExt Replaces the ID table content from the another ID table. This routine validates the ID table headers for new format and replaces the content accordingly.
  • IDInsertRange This function inserts a range of IDs into a given ID table. The range is inclusive. Also, if the "AddtoEnd" parameter is set to TRUE, it guarantees that the ID range does not overlap any IDs in the table and are the largest IDs in the table.
  • IDTableSplitDeleted Splits out deleted noteIDs from the source table and returns the deleted IDs as an output.


A new function of id table has been added toldap.h

  • ldap_sslinit Initializes a secure session with an LDAP server and returns a "session handle," a pointer to an opaque structure that MUST be passed to subsequent calls pertaining to the session. This routine returns a NULL if the session cannot be initialized.


A new function of id table has been added tomime.h

  • MIMEEMLExport3 Exports the MIME content (e-mail messages) of the given noteID into the eml file.


Some new functions of id table have been added tomish.h.

  • ConvertRFC3339DateToTIMEDATE Converts a date/time string from RFC3339 format to Notes TimeDate format.
  • ConvertTIMEDATEtoRFC3339Date Converts a time/date string from Notes TimeDate format to RFC3339 format.