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SchContainer FreeRequest

Function : Calendaring and Scheduling
SchContainer_FreeRequest - Free a request

#include <schgtw.h>
STATUS LNPUBLIC SchContainer_FreeRequest(

    DHANDLE  hCntnr,
    HCNTNROBJ  hRqst);
Description :

This routine is used to free a request. Requests are used to obtain free time information from a foreign system calendaring and scheduling gateway.

Parameters : Input : hCntnr - The container handle.

hRqst - Pointer to the object to free.

Output : (routine) - NOERROR - Successfully freed a request. ERR_xxx - There are many possible errors. It is best to use the code in a call to OSLoadString and display/log the error for the user as your default error handling.

See Also : SchContainer_GetRequest