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Data Type : Composite Data
CDEMBEDDEDSCHEDCTL - Specifies an embedded scheduling control.

#include <editods.h>

Definition :

typedef struct {
 WSIG   Header;  /* Signature and length of this record. */
 DWORD  Flags;  /* EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_xxx from above */
 WORD   TargetFrameLength;
 WORD  DisplayStartDTItemFormulaLength;
 WORD   HrsPerDayItemFormulaLength;
 WORD  ReqPeopleItemsFormulaLength;
 COLOR_VALUE BusyTimeColor; /* Color used for busy times (due to calendar 
entry) */
 COLOR_VALUE FreeTimeColor; /* Color used for non-busy times */
 COLOR_VALUE NoDataColor; /* Color used for no busy time data found */
 COLOR_VALUE DataRestrictedColor; /* Color used for busy time data restricted */
 COLOR_VALUE GridLineColor; /* Color used to paint grid lines in scheduler */
    WORD  NameColWidth; /* width of the left side of the control where 
attendee names are displayed */
 WORD  PeopleLines; /* Max items in People area if 
 WORD  RoomsLines;  /* Max items in Rooms area if 
 WORD  ResourcesLines; /* Max items in Resources area if 
    WORD   SpareWORD[5];
 DWORD  SpareDWORD[13];

    /* Target Frame Name (if any) */
 /* DisplayStartDTItem formula (if any) */
 /* HrsPerDayItem formula (if any) */
 /* RequiredPeopleItems formula (if any) */

Description :

This CD record defines an embedded element of type 'group scheduler'. It is preceded by a CDHOTSPOTBEGIN and a CDPLACEHOLDER. The CD record, CDPLACEHOLDER, further defines the CDEMBEDDEDSCHEDCTL.

    WSIG Header Signature and length of this CD record
    WORD TargetFrameLength Length of Target Frame, values follows CD fixed portion
    WORD DisplayStartDTItemFormulaLength Length of start date time item information, value follows CD fixed portion
    WORD HrsPerDayItemFormulaLength Length of duration item information, value follows CD fixed portion
    WORD ReqPeopleItemsFormulaLength Length of group member item information, value follows CD fixed portion
    COLOR_VALUE BusyTimeColor Color used for busy times (due to calendar entry)
    COLOR_VALUE FreeTimeColor Color used for non-busy times
    COLOR_VALUE NoDataColor Color used for no busy time data found
    COLOR_VALUE DataRestrictedColor Color used for busy time data restricted
    COLOR_VALUE GridLineColor Color used to paint grid lines in scheduler
    WORD NameColWidth Width of the left side of the control where attendee names are displayed
    WORD PeopleLines Max items in People area if EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_PEOPLE_FIXEDHEIGHT
    WORD RoomsLines Max items in Rooms area if EMBEDDEDSCHED_FLAG_ROOMS_FIXEDHEIGHT
    WORD ResourcesLines Max items in Resources area if
    WORD SpareWORD[5];
    DWORD SpareDWORD[13]

    Note that rich text fields are items of type TYPE_COMPOSITE. Therefore, API programs that run on non-Intel architecture platforms must perform host/canonical conversion on CD record structures such as this when accessing rich text item data in a note.

    These fields may be followed by optional items. If you plan to use them, you will need to declare the variables and assign values to their lengths.