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Data Type : Composite Data
CDFRAMESET - Used to specify an HTML FRAMESET element

#include <fsods.h>

Definition :

typedef struct
    WSIG Header;
    DWORD Flags;     /* fFSxxxxxxx as defined below. Unused bits must be 
set to 0 */
#define fFSBorderEnable   0x00000001 /* Set if BorderEnable is specified */
#define fFSFrameBorderDims   0x00000004 /* Set if FrameBorderWidth is specified 
#define fFSFrameSpacingDims  0x00000008 /* Set if FrameSpacingWidth is 
specified */
#define fFSFrameBorderColor  0x00000040 /* Set if FrameBorderColor is specified 
    BYTE  BorderEnable;    /* Specifies the HTML FRAMEBORDER attribute for 
this frameset element */
    BYTE  byAvail1;     /* Reserved for future use, must be 0 */
    WORD Reserved1;     /* Reserved for future use, must be 0 */
    WORD Reserved2;     /* Reserved for future use, must be 0 */
    WORD FrameBorderWidth;   /* Specifies the HTML BORDER attribute for 
this frameset element */
    WORD Reserved3;     /* Reserved for future use, must be 0 */
    WORD FrameSpacingWidth;   /* Specifies the HTML FRAMESPACING attribute 
for this frameset element */
    WORD Reserved4;     /* Reserved for future use, must be 0 */
    COLOR_VALUE ReservedColor1;  /* Reserved for future use, must be 0 */
    COLOR_VALUE ReservedColor2;  /* Reserved for future use, must be 0 */
/* RowQty and ColQty specify the number of FRAMESETLENGTH structures that follow
 * in the variable length data area.  Only one of these values can be non-zero,
 * meaning that a frameset will consist of all rows or all columns but never 
both. */
    WORD  RowQty; 
    WORD  ColQty;
    WORD  Reserved5;    /* Reserved for future use, must be 0 */
    WORD  Reserved6;    /* Reserved for future use, must be 0 */
    COLOR_VALUE FrameBorderColor; /* Used to specify the BORDERCOLOR 
attribute for this frameset element */
    BYTE  ThemeSetting;    /* Theme Setting */
    BYTE  Reserved7;       /* Reserved for future use, must be 0 */
    /* Variable length data follows (strings not null terminated)
     * - Row FRAMESETLENGTH structures (count equals RowQty)
     * - Col FRAMESETLENGTH structures (count equals ColQty) */

Description :


    Flags see fFSxxx
    BorderEnable HTML FRAMEBORDER attribute
    byAvail1 reserved, must be 0
    Reserved1 reserved, must be 0
    FrameBorderWidth HTML BORDER attribute
    Reserved3 reserved, must be 0
    FrameSpacingWidth HTML FRAMESPACING attribute
    Reserved4 reserved, must be 0
    ReservedColor1 reserved for future use
    ReservedColor2 reserved for future use
    RowQty The number of FRAMESETLENGTH structures defining row information.
    ColQty The number of FRAMESETLENGTH structures defining column information.
    Reserved5 reserved, must be 0
    Reserved6 reserved, must be 0
    FrameBorderColor HTML BORDERCOLOR attribute, see COLOR_VALUE
    Reserved7[2] reserved, must be 0

    A FRAMESETLENGTH structure will follow depending on the value found in either RowQty or ColQty. There could be multiple FRAMESETLENGTH structures defining the RowQty and ColQty values.