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Data Type : Composite Data
CDHEADER - Header/Footer record

#include <editods.h>

Definition :

typedef struct {
   WSIG Header;   /* Tag and length */
   BYTE FontPitchAndFamily; /* Font pitch and family */
   char FontName[MAXFACESIZE]; /* Font name */
   FONTID Font;    /* Font ID */
   WORD HeadLength;   /* total header string length */
 /* ... now comes the string */

Description :

Contains the header or footer used in a document.

Header Tag identifying this as a header or footer record
FontPitchAndFamily Pitch and font family of font used to display the data
FontName Name of font to use
Font ID of font to use
HeadLength Total string length of header or footer

This header structure is followed by the string for the header or footer.