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CAL xxx

Symbolic Value : Views

#include <viewfmt.h>

Symbolic Values :

CAL_DISPLAY_CONFLICTS     -  Display Conflict marks

CAL_ENABLE_TIMESLOTS      -  Disable Time Slots

CAL_DISPLAY_TIMESLOT_BMPS     -  Show Time Slot Bitmaps

CAL_ENABLE_TIMEGROUPING   -  Enable timegrouping

CAL_TIMESLOT_OVERRIDE     -  Allow user to override time slots

CAL_HIDE_MONTH_HEADER     -  Don't show the month header in the view (i.e. January 2001)

CAL_HIDE_GOTOTODAY    -  Don't show the GoToToday button in the view

CAL_SHOW_TRASHVIEW    -  Don't show the trash view in the header

CAL_SHOW_ALLDOCSVIEW      -  Don't show the all docs view in the header

CAL_HIDE_FORMATBTN    -  Don't show the formatting button

CAL_HIDE_DAYTAB   -  Don't show the day tab

CAL_HIDE_WEEKTAB      -  Don't show the week tab

CAL_HIDE_MONTHTAB     -  Don't show the month tab

CAL_SHOW_DAYPLANNER   -  Show the header as dayplanner

CAL_HIDE_OWNERNAME    -  Don't show the owner name.

VIEW_CALENDAR_RTLVIEW     -  Possible value for the wFlags member of the VIEW_CALENDAR_FORMAT structure. Calendar should work from the right-most column. Note: Same as VIEW_TABLE_RTLVIEW.

Description :

Possible values for the wFlags member of the VIEW_CALENDAR_FORMAT structure.