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NLS goto next word end

Function : Character Manipulation
NLS_goto_next_word_end - Advances a pointer to the first character following the current word in a string.

#include <nls.h>
WORD LNPUBLIC NLS_goto_next_word_end(

    BYTE far * far *ppString,
    WORD  Len,
    NLS_PINFO  pInfo);
Description :

Advances a pointer to the first character following the current word in a string, skipping over the rest of the current word (if any).

Note: Kanji, Katakana and Hiragana characters are treated like words.

Parameters : Input : ppString - A pointer to a pointer to a byte within a string.

Len - The length in bytes of the string. If the string is null terminated, you may set this to NLS_NULLTERM.

pInfo - A pointer to an NLS_INFO struct, which contains all of the tables and attributes of the current character set. The NLS_INFO struct should have been initialized by a previous call to OSGetLMBCSCLS().

Output : (routine) - The number of bytes that were skipped to get to the end of the next word. This routine will return 0 (zero) when one of the following occurs: - ppString or pInfo are invalid pointers; - pInfo->PropertyTable is NULL; - the string pointed to by ppString is empty.

ppString - A pointer to a pointer to the first character following the current word in a string.