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Data Type : HTML
UAT - URL Addressable Type

#include <urltypes.h>

Definition :

typedef enum _UAT
    UAT_None                    = 0,
    UAT_Server                  = 1,
    UAT_Database                = 2,
    UAT_View                    = 3,
    UAT_Form                    = 4,
    UAT_Navigator               = 5,
    UAT_Agent                   = 6,
    UAT_Document                = 7,
    UAT_Filename                = 8,    /* internal filename of attachment */
    UAT_ActualFilename          = 9,    /* external filename of attachment if 
different */
    UAT_Field                   = 10,
    UAT_FieldOffset             = 11,
    UAT_FieldSuboffset          = 12,
    UAT_Page                    = 13,
    UAT_FrameSet                = 14,
    UAT_ImageResource           = 15,
    UAT_CssResource             = 16,
    UAT_JavascriptLib           = 17,
    UAT_FileResource            = 18,
    UAT_About                   = 19,
    UAT_Help                    = 20,
    UAT_Icon                    = 21,
    UAT_SearchForm              = 22,
    UAT_SearchSiteForm          = 23,
    UAT_Outline                 = 24,

    UAT_NumberOfTypes           /* must be the last one */
} UAT;

Description :

This can be used to determine the URL address type, some operation on the generated HTML text should be done according to the URL type. For more information, please refer the samples released with the C API toolkit

Sample Usage :

see sample html/convattach

See Also : HTMLAPI_URLTargetComponent