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Function : Compound Text
CompoundTextAssimilateItem - Assimilates one or more TYPE_COMPOSITE items into a CompoundText context.

#include <easycd.h>
STATUS LNPUBLIC CompoundTextAssimilateItem(

    DHANDLE  hCompound,
    NOTEHANDLE  hNote,
    char far *pszItemName,
    DWORD  dwFlags);
Description :

This routine assimilates the contents of one or more named TYPE_COMPOSITE items from a document into a CompoundText context. The contents are assimilated in that PABIDs and styles are fixed up (renumbered/renamed as needed) before they are appended to the CompoundText context.

Note: This function does not handle features of rich text that depend on special items that reside outside the rich text field specified by the "pszItemName" parameter.

Two such features of rich text include doc links that depend on the special $Links item, and font faces that depend on the special $Fonts item. These special items in the note reside outside the specified rich text field.
Therefore, when CompoundTextAssimilateItem merges a rich text field containing doc links consisting of CDLINK2 records into a Compound Text context, the doc link in the resulting compound text does not function. A work-around to this problem is demonstrated by sample program HISTORY in the RICHTEXT directory.

Also, when CompoundTextAssimilateItem merges a rich text field containing font faces that require a font table (a $Fonts item in the note) the resulting compound text does not reflect the font face used in the original field.

Parameters : Input : hCompound - Handle of the CompoundText context.

hNote - Handle of the note that contains the TYPE_COMPOSITE item(s) to assimilate.

pszItemName - Pointer to null-terminated item name to assimilate.

dwFlags - Assimilation flags reserved for future use. Set this parameter to 0L.

Output : (routine) - Return status from this call:

NOERROR - Successfully assimilated the specified item. ERR_xxx - Errors returned by lower level functions: (memory management, file operations, network errors, etc.). There are so many possible causes, that it is best to use the code in a call to OSLoadString and display/log the error for the user as your default error handling.

Sample Usage :

STATUS         Status;
DHANDLE         hCompound;
DWORD          dwNormalStyle;
char  *pszTree = "They cannot see the forest\nfor the trees.";
char  *pszDogs = "It was for\nthe dogs.";

Status = CompoundTextCreate(NULLHANDLE, NULL, &hCompound);
if (Status != NOERROR)
 return Status;

Status = CompoundTextDefineStyle( hCompound

Status = CompoundTextAddTextExt(hCompound,
if (Status != NOERROR)
return Status;

Status = CompoundTextAddTextExt(hCompound,
if (Status != NOERROR)
return Status;

Status = CompoundTextAssimilateItem( hCompound,

See Also : CompoundTextAssimilateFile