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Function : Mail Gateway
MailGetMessageOriginatorDomain - Gets message originator domain string.

#include <mailserv.h>
STATUS LNPUBLIC MailGetMessageOriginatorDomain(

    DARRAY far *MessageList,
    WORD  Message,
    char far *OriginatorDomain,
    WORD  OriginatorDomainSize,
    WORD far *OriginatorNameLength);
Description :

This function parses the specified message to yield the originator's domain.
The message is parsed to yield the rightmost domain in the "@" separated list.

Parameters : Input : MessageList - Message list pointer.

Message - Message number (0-n).

OriginatorDomainSize - Size of originator domain string buffer.

Output : (routine) - Return status from the call -- indicates either success (NOERROR) or what the error is.

OriginatorDomain - Pointer to returned originator domain string (not null-terminated). It is up to the caller to allocate space for this buffer.

OriginatorNameLength - Pointer to returned string lengh of the originator domain.

See Also : MailGetMessageOriginator