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NSFQueryDBExt - Executes a Domino Query Language query and return results, parse or explain output

#include <dbmisc.h>

    char *Query,
    DWORD  Flags,
    DWORD  MaxDocsScanned,
    DWORD  MaxEntriesScanned,
    DWORD  MaxMsecs,
    DHANDLE *retResults,
    MEMHANDLE *retError,
    MEMHANDLE *retExplain,
    MEMHANDLE  hQArgs);
Description :

This function runs DQL queries. Its inputs are a database handle, the query text and a set of flags. Its outputs are the results, explain output and extra error output.

For Domino Query Language syntax, please see the relevant documentation for your current release.

Parameters : Input : hDB - The handle to the database providing context for the DQL query. Queries can reference other query output and that output can reside in a number of databases, in which case the hDB will provide the database to use in executing the query and the residence of any results.

Query - The DQL query to be executed, explained or parsed. Syntax is documented in the Domino Query Language documentation. A query can be up to 64K in size.

Flags - Flags passed in to govern DQL processing for the query. The relevant settings reside in dbmisc.h with the prefix QUEP_xxx with the following available settings:

QUEP_VIEWREFRESH / refresh all views when they are opened(default is NO_UPDATE) / QUEP_PARSEONLY / to check for syntax only - stops short of planning / QUEP_EXPLAIN / Produce Explain output / QUEP_NOVIEWS / Use NSF scans only - can cause failure if syntax demands view or full text index access / QUEP_FT_REFRESH / For the 1st FT search, update the index / QUEP_DSGNCATREFRESH / before running the query, build/refresh the design catalog / QUEP_DSGNCATREBUILD / before running the query, rebuild the design catalog /

MaxDocsScanned - Specifies the maximum total number of documents scanned to execute or explain the query. Overrides the default limit (500000) and that set via the QUERY_MAX_DOCS_SCANNED notes.ini setting. Pass in 0 to not override.

MaxEntriesScanned - Specifies the maximum total number of view entries scanned to execute or explain the query. Overrides the default limit (200000) and that set via the QUERY_MAX_VIEW_ENTRIES_SCANNED notes.ini setting. Pass in 0 to not override.

MaxMsecs - Specifies the maximum milliseconds a query can take to execute or explain. Overrides the default limit (300000 - 5 minutes) and that set via the QUERY_MAX_MSECS_TOTAL notes.ini setting. The value is not checked every millisecond but at specific points in query term execution. Pass in 0 to not override.

hQArgs - Passes in values to be bound to DQL substitution values. Constructed by calling NSFQueryDBAddArgs. It is the responsibility of the caller to free the MEMHANDLE once processing is complete.

Output : (routine) - Return status from this call -- indicates either success or what the error is:

NOERROR - No errors occurred during the execution, parsing or explaining of the specified Domino Query Language query. ERR_xxx - Errors returned by lower level Notes functions. There are many possible causes and it is best to use the code in a call to OSLoadString and display the error for the user. Additional error text is provided dereferencing the output retError MEMHANDLE.

retResults - Returns the results from a DQL execute or explain. Depending upon the flags passed in, the results will either be an IDTable or a Queue of data values. It is the responsibility of the caller to free the DHANDLE once processing is complete.

retError - Returns additional text when DQL processing encounters an error state. It is the responsibility of the caller to free the MEMHANDLE once processing is complete.

retExplain - Returns explain text when requested via flag setting. It is the responsibility of the caller to free the MEMHANDLE once processing is complete.

See Also :