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Function : OOO
OOOSetAwayPeriod - This function validates and sets the time parameters that control OOO.

#include <oooapi.h>

    OOOCTXPTR *pOOOContext,
    TIMEDATE  tdStartAway,
    TIMEDATE  tdEndAway);
Description :

This function validates and sets the time parameters that control OOO. This information is required for enabling the OOO. If you want turn on OOO functionality for a given period of time the sequence of calls needed is: OOOStartOperation, OOOSetAwayPeriod, OOOEnable, OOOEndOperation.

When you need to enable OOO (i.e. call it with bState flag set to TRUE)

you should call OOOSetAwayPeriod prior to calling OOOEnable.

If you need to change the length of the away period after OOO has

already been enabled, the sequence of calls needed to perform this action is
OOOStartOperation, OOOSetAwayPeriod, OOOEndOperation.

If the Domino server is configured to run an OOO agent, it can only be

turned on for full days, the time portion of the date parameter will not be used.

Parameters : Input : pOOOContext - Pointer obtained from the OOOStartOperation call

tdStartAway - This is date and time when Out of office will begin.

tdEndAway - This is date and time when Out of office will end.

Output : (routine) - Return status from this call -- indicates either success or what the error is. NOERROR - Successfully performed this operation This function can return Domino errors. OOO specific errors: ERR_OOO_MISSING_PARAM - One or more mandatory parameters were not specified ERR_OOO_MISSING_MAILFILE - Mailfile information is not specified

See Also : OOOGetAwayPeriod