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SC manip xxx

Symbolic Value : Smartcards
SC_manip_xxx - Opcodes defined for SECManipulateSC

#include <kfm.h>

Symbolic Values :

SC_manip_GetVersion   -  Get the version of the specification.

SC_manip_InitializeContext    -  Initialize a Smartcard context.

SC_manip_TerminateContext     -  Terminates the Smartcard code.

SC_manip_CheckCard    -  Check the current Smartcard

SC_manip_EnterIDFile      -  Opens the indicated ID.

SC_manip_EnterPIN     -  Logs the user into the smartcard.

SC_manip_SCEnableID   -  Smartcard-enable the "entered" ID file with the current smartcard.

SC_manip_PushInetKey      -  Pushes the private key associated with the current signing internet certificate onto the Smartcard.

SC_manip_FindMatchedCerts     -  Initializes a search for importable certificates and private keys on a Smartcard.

SC_manip_GetMatchedCert   -  Examines the certificates that are available for import from the smartcard into the ID file. See SC_MANIP_IMPORTABLE_CERT.

SC_manip_ImportInetCert   -  Reads the indicated certificate from the Smartcard.

SC_manip_RefreshTokenInfo     -  Refreshes the token identification information that is stored in the ID file.

SC_manip_PushKyrKey   -  Pushes the private key from an SSL keyring file onto a smartcard or a PKCS#11-based cryptographic accelerator.

SC_manip_PushNotesKey     -  Pushes a "large" (1024 or 2048-bit) Notes key onto a smartcard.

SC_manip_EnterIDPassword      -  Unlock the non-smartcard-enabled ID file entered through EnterIDFile with the supplied password

SC_manip_FindAllKeys      -  Acquire all keys from all smartcards and return the number of keys available to the caller.

SC_manip_LockIDWithKeyRO      -  Smartcard-enable the ID file by encrypting it with a password-equivalent generated by signing a random seed value. This opcode will work with most read-only ID files.

SC_manip_LockIDWithKeyRnd     -  Smartcard-enable the ID file by encrypting it with a symmetric key that is wrapped by a key on the token.

SC_manip_PushInetKeyAndCert   -  Identical to the SC_manip_PushInetKey, except that it also push the corresponding X.509 certificate onto the smartcard or other cryptographic token.

SC_manip_PushKyrKeyAndCert    -  Identical to the SC_manip_PushKyrKey, except that it also push the corresponding X.509 certificate onto the smartcard or other cryptographic token.

Description :

SC_manip_GetVersion: Get the version of the specification.

Input Parameters:
pContext - Unused
pdwFlags - Unused
pdwParam1 - points to a DWORD
pvParam2 - Unused

Output Parameters:
*pdwParam1 - Filled with the version of the specification. 0 for 6.0.2

    SC_manip_GetVersion is the only opcode that can be called without a valid SCMCTX.

    SC_manip_InitializeContext: Initialize a Smartcard context.

    Input Parameters:
    pContext - Address of a NULLSCMCTX. See NULLSCMCTX
    pdwFlags - Unused
    pdwParam1 - Unused
    pvParam2 - Unused

    Output Parameters:
    *pContext - Filled with the initialized SCMCTX

    SC_manip_InitializeContext allocates a SCMCTX and initializes the PKCS #11 code.
    Returns ERR_BSAFE_SC_INVALID_CONFIG if the local smartcard config is incorrect;
    Returns ERR_BSAFE_INSERT_SMARTCARD if a token is not in the slot.
    If multiple slots are provided by the PKCS #11 DLL, this uses the first one.

    SC_manip_TerminateContext: Terminates the Smartcard code.

    Input Parameters:
    pContext - Valid context.
    pdwFlags - Unused
    pdwParam1 - Unused
    pvParam2 - Unused

    Output Parameters:
    *pContext - Zeroed.

    Terminates the Smartcard code, cleans up the ID file if any, frees the SCMCTX, and zeroes

    SC_manip_CheckCard: Check the current Smartcard.

    Input Parameters:
    pContext - Valid context
    pdwFlags - Unused
    pdwParam1 - Unused
    pvParam2 - Unused

    Output Parameters:

    CheckCard determines if the current smartcard can support Notes properly, and will return
    error codes for any potential problems that it can detect. This does not check for free space
    on the card.

    ERR_BSAFE_SC_INVALID_CONFIG - Notes is not configured to use a smartcard reader.
    Does the PKCS11_Library notes.ini variable contains the
    path to your PKCS#11 DLL?
    ERR_BSAFE_INSERT_SMARTCARD - No card is present in the reader
    ERR_BSAFE_SC_UNSUPPORTED_FUNC - The card doesn't support multiple concurrent sessions
    ERR_BSAFE_SC_KEY_CREATE - The card doesn't provide the cryptographic capabilities
    required by Notes.

    SC_manip_EnterIDFile: Opens the indicated ID file.

    Input Parameters:
    pContext - Valid context
    pdwFlags - Unused
    *pdwParam1 - Length of the string in pvParam2
    pvParam2 - BYTE*; null-terminated string holding path to the ID file to be

    Output Parameters:

    Opens the indicated ID file and stores the hKFC in the SCMCTX. Will prompt for the ID file if
    none is provided and the caller has a valid prompt set -- there is no console prompt for an
    ID file. If the ID is smartcard-enabled and SC_manip_EnterPIN was previously called, the ID
    file will be unlocked and opened for write. This OpCode may be called repeatedly on a
    single context, effective switching the ID file being used. SC_manip_InitializeContext
    allocates a SCMCTX and initializes the PKCS #11 code.

    SC_manip_EnterPIN: Logs the user into the Smartcard.

    Input Parameters:
    pContext - Valid context
    pdwFlags - Unused
    *pdwParam1 - PIN length
    pvParam2 - BYTE*; null-terminated string containing the PIN for the current

    Output Parameters:

    If the token has a protected authentication path, this will trigger the protected authentication
    path. Otherwise, an explicit PIN will be passed to C_Login and a NULL or zero-length PIN will cause
    Notes to prompt for the PIN. If SC_manip_EnterIDFile was previously called and that ID file is
    smartcard-enabled, this OpCode will unlock the ID file and re-open the hKFC for write.

    SC_manip_SCEnableID: Smartcard-enable the "entered" ID file with the current Smartcard.

    Input Parameters:
    pContext - Valid context
    pdwFlags - Unused
    *pdwParam1 - Password length
    pvParam2 - BYTE*; null-terminated password for the ID file

    Output Parameters:

    Obviously, must be called after SC_manip_EnterIDFile and SC_manip_EnterPIN. If a NULL or zero-length
    password is passed in, Notes will prompt for the ID file's password.
    Returns ERR_BSAFE_CERT_ALREADY_IN_ID_FILE if the ID file is already smartcard-enabled.

    SC_manip_PushInetKey: Pushes the private key associated with the current signing internet certificate onto the Smartcard.

    Input Parameters:
    pContext - Valid context
    pdwFlags - Unused
    pdwParam1 - Unused
    pvParam2 - Unused

    Output Parameters:

    Future versions of this opcode will allow the administrator to specify which certificate they want
    to push onto the Smartcard.

    SC_manip_FindMatchedCerts: Initializes a search for importable certificates and private keys on a Smartcard.

    Input Parameters:
    pContext - Valid context
    pdwFlags - Unused
    pdwParam1 - Must point to a DWORD
    pvParam2 - Unused

    Output Parameters:
    *pdwParam1 - Number of matching certs found

    The number of importable certs found is returned in *pdwParam1. This function does not require an ID
    file (nor a PIN login, although many cards will not yield up useful or complete information without
    one), as it can be used for informational purposes only. The range of valid ordinals for
    SC_manip_GetMatchedCert and SC_manip_InetCert is from 0 to *pdwParam1-1 , inclusive. This OpCode can
    take a considerable amount of time to complete, as it performs a number of searches on a medium that
    is traditionally extremely slow.

    SC_manip_GetMatchedCert: Examines the certificates that are available for import from the Smartcard into the ID file.

    Input Parameters:
    pContext - Valid context
    pdwFlags - Unused
    *pdwParam1 - The ordinal of the pair to be returned. [0...N-1]
    pvParam2 - Optional; points to allocated SC_MANIP_IMPORTABLE_CERT

    Output Parameters:
    *pdwParam1 - Returns the size used/needed by the SC_MANIP_IMPORTABLE_CERT
    *pvParam2 - If non-NULL and sufficiently large, filled in SC_MANIP_IMPORTABLE_CERT

    This must be called after SC_manip_FindMatchedCerts, as it relies on the information that was stored
    in the SCMCTX.

    SC_manip_ImportInetCert: Reads the indicated certificate from the Smartcard.

    Input Parameters:
    pContext - Valid context
    pdwFlags - Unused
    *pdwParam1 - The ordinal of the pair to be imported
    pvParam2 - Unused

    Output Parameters:

    Reads the indicated certificate from the Smartcard, and stores the certificate, public key, and a
    reference to the private key in the Notes ID file. If the certificate can be used for signing, then
    it will become the default S/MIME signing certificate. Must be called after SC_manip_EnterIDFile,
    SC_manip_EnterPIN, and SC_manip_FindMatchingCerts.

    SC_manip_RefreshTokenInfo Refreshes the token identification information that is stored in the ID file.

    Input Parameters:
    pContext - Valid context
    pdwFlags - Unused
    *pdwParam1 - Unused
    pvParam2 - Unused

    Output Parameters:

    Must be called after SC_manip_EnterIDFile and SC_manip_EnterPIN.

    SC_manip_PushKyrKey Pushes the private key from an SSL keyring file onto a smartcard or a PKCS#11-based cryptographic

    Input Parameters:
    pContext - Must have been be initialized
    pdwFlags - NULL
    pdwParam1 - NULL
    pvParam2 - Path to keyring file

    Output Parameters:

    Pushes the private key from an SSL keyring file onto a smartcard or, more likely, a PKCS#11-based
    cryptographic accelerator. SC_manip_PushKyrKey can only be called if the server's ID file has
    already been smartcard-enabled, potentially via SC_manip_SCEnableID, and it must be called after
    InitializeContext, SC_manip_EnterIDFile, and SC_manip_EnterPIN.

    SC_manip_PushNotesKey Pushes a "large" (1024 or 2048-bit) Notes key onto a smartcard.

    Input Parameters:
    pContext - Must have been be initialized
    pdwFlags - NULL
    pdwParam1 - NULL
    pvParam2 - NULL

    Output Parameters:

    Writes the (BER-encoded) Notes domestic private key to a smartcard, make the key recoverable,
    and replaces the key in the ActiveUDO with a pointer to the key on the card.
    SC_manip_PushNotesKey can only be called if the ID file has already been smartcard-enabled,
    potentially via SC_manip_SCEnableID, and it must be called after InitializeContext,
    SC_manip_EnterIDFile, and SC_manip_EnterPIN.

    SC_manip_EnterIDPassword    Unlock the non-smartcard-enabled ID file entered through EnterIDFile with the supplied password.
                                If *pdwParam1 and pvParam2 are not passed in, the user will be prompted for the password, if  

    Input Parameters:
    pContext - Must have been be initialized
    pdwFlags - NULL
    pdwParam1 - Length of ID file password, if any
    pvParam2 - Points to ID file password, if any

    Output Parameters:

                              SC_manip_EnterIDPassword is used before the SC_manip_LockIDWithKeyRO opcode in order to unlock the
ID file that is about to be smartcard-enabled, if the ID file was previously not smartcard-enabled.

   SC_manip_FindAllKeys         Acquire all keys from all smartcards and return the number of keys available to the caller.

    Input Parameters:
    pContext - Must have been be initialized
    pdwFlags - NULL
    pdwParam1 - Must point to a DWORD
    pvParam2 - NULL

    Output Parameters:
    pdwParam1 - Filled in with number of certs available
                            SC_manip_FindAllKeys can be used with SC_manip_GetMatchedCert in the same fashion as <br>
                            SC_manip_FindMatchedCerts to find private RSA keys without matching certificates.  These keys cannot<br>
                            be imported into the ID file, due to the lack of matching certificates, but they can be used with <br>
                            SC_manip_LockIDWithKeyRO and SC_manip_LockIDWithKeyRnd to secure the ID file. <br>

   SC_manip_LockIDWithKeyRO     Smartcard-enable the ID file by encrypting it with a password-equivalent generated by signing a
                               random seed value. This opcode will work with most read-only ID files.

                                This is a valid upgrade path for regular smartcard-enabled ID files. SC_manip_EnterIDPassword must
                               be used before calling this function with non-smartcard-enabled ID files.

    Input Parameters:
    pContext - Must have been be initialized
    pdwFlags - Currently unused
    pdwParam1 - Ordinal of the key to use
    pvParam2 - Currently unused

    Output Parameters:
                            This is currently the recommended technique for protecting an ID file with a smartcard. This opcode <br>
                            uses the same mechanism as the  &quot;Lock ID with Key on Smartcard&quot; menu option that is accessible from <br>
                            the &quot;Other Actions&quot; button on the &quot;Your Certificates&quot; pane of the User Security Dialog when a <br>
                            certificate corresponding to a private key on a smartcard has been selected.   An ID file protected <br>
                            in this fashion cannot be used with a Notes client or Domino server before ND7, but can be recovered <br>
                            through the ID File Recovery process. <br>

   SC_manip_LockIDWithKeyRnd    Smartcard-enable the ID file by encrypting it with a symmetric key that is wrapped by a key on the
                               token. This is a valid upgrade path for regular smartcard-enabled ID files. SC_manip_EnterIDPassword
                               must be used before calling this function with non-smartcard-enabled ID files.

    Input Parameters:
    pContext - Must have been be initialized
    pdwFlags - Currently unused
    pdwParam1 - Ordinal of the key to use
    pvParam2 - Currently unused

    Output Parameters:
                            This technique will only work with a small set of smartcards with substantially above-average <br>
                            cryptographic support, including performing symmetric encryption in hardware; in most cases,  <br>
                            SC_manip_LockIDWithKeyRO should be used instead. As ID File Recovery will not be able to recover an <br>
                            ID file protected with this technique, this function has been effectively deprecated in favor of <br>