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Data Type : Composite Data
CDPMMETASEG - Segment of Presentation Manager GPI Metafile Data

#include <editods.h>

Definition :

typedef struct {
   LSIG Header; /* Signature and Length */
   WORD  DataSize; /* Actual Size of metafile, in bytes
     (ignoring any filler) */
   WORD  SegSize;  /* Size of segment, in bytes */
 /* PM Metafile Bits for this segment. Each segment
  must be <= 64K bytes. */

Description :

A portion of a Presentation Manager GPI metafile. This record must be preceded by a CDPMMETAHEADER record. Since metafiles can be large, but Domino and Notes have an internal limit of 65,536 bytes (64kB) for a segment, a metafile may be divided into segments of up to 64kB; each segment must be preceded by a CDPMMETASEG record.

Header Tag identifying this as a CDPMMETASEG record
DataSize Actual size of metafile, in bytes
SegSize Size of segment

The segment size may actually be larger than the size of the metafile; if the metafile is an odd number of bytes in length, a byte will be added to align data on a word boundary.